Friday, 28 September 2012

Faceless (Slender: Source) IndieGogo

We've started an Indiegogo campaign for Faceless so we can provide a multitude of dedicated servers for the closed beta, and when we launch the full version of the mod in December. People who donate to the campaign will receive closed beta access, contributor status for our forums, the ability to have their face put on a poster, and even have themselves as a playable character in the future.

The donations would really help a lot, and allow us to make Faceless more accessible to the world and allow people to hop right into the mod and play without having to create their own servers all the time. It will be easier for everyone, and that's all we want to achieve with this campaign. Is to give the community a more solid experience with Faceless, and with the community surrounding it.

And remember, closed beta testers get to play with the development team.

You can support the mod here -

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